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Volkswagen Previews Their €20,000 Electric Car

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From the Beetle to the Rabbit to the Golf, Volkswagen has long made affordable, practical cars that those with smaller budgets can afford. Now they're aiming that prowess at the EV market with the unveiling of their ID EVERY1.

The concept car is intended to make the transition into production for €20,000 (USD $21,667) in 2027. Hailed as "affordable entry-level all-electric mobility" by Thomas Schäfer, CEO of Volkswagen Passenger Cars, the 94hp vehicle will reportedly have a range of 155 miles.

Aesthetically, the vehicle was designed to have a friendly, approachable look. "Our ambition was to create something bold yet accessible," says Andreas Mindt, Volkswagen's Head of Design. "The ID EVERY1 has a self-assured appearance but remains likeable – thanks to details such as the dynamic front lights and the 'smiling' rear. These design elements make it more than just a car: they give it character and an identity that people can relate to."

The big question for Americans is whether that €20,000 sticker will apply in 2027, given the way our current administration's tariff war is going. The point may be moot; sadly, VW has announced no plans to bring this affordable EV to the U.S. market. With any luck things will change in two years' time.

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21 hours ago
Tech on the inside looks new maybe this is from the Rivian investment last year?
America City, America
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How to add a directory to your PATH


I was talking to a friend about how to add a directory to your PATH today. It’s something that feels “obvious” to me since I’ve been using the terminal for a long time, but when I searched for instructions for how to do it, I actually couldn’t find something that explained all of the steps – a lot of them just said “add this to ~/.bashrc”, but what if you’re not using bash? What if your bash config is actually in a different file? And how are you supposed to figure out which directory to add anyway?

So I wanted to try to write down some more complete directions and mention some of the gotchas I’ve run into over the years.

Here’s a table of contents:

step 1: what shell are you using?

If you’re not sure what shell you’re using, here’s a way to find out. Run this:

ps -p $$ -o pid,comm=
  • if you’re using bash, it’ll print out 97295 bash
  • if you’re using zsh, it’ll print out 97295 zsh
  • if you’re using fish, it’ll print out an error like “In fish, please use $fish_pid” ($$ isn’t valid syntax in fish, but in any case the error message tells you that you’re using fish, which you probably already knew)

Also bash is the default on Linux and zsh is the default on Mac OS (as of 2024). I’ll only cover bash, zsh, and fish in these directions.

step 2: find your shell’s config file

  • in zsh, it’s probably ~/.zshrc
  • in bash, it might be ~/.bashrc, but it’s complicated, see the note in the next section
  • in fish, it’s probably ~/.config/fish/config.fish (you can run echo $__fish_config_dir if you want to be 100% sure)

a note on bash’s config file

Bash has three possible config files: ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile, and ~/.profile.

If you’re not sure which one your system is set up to use, I’d recommend testing this way:

  1. add echo hi there to your ~/.bashrc
  2. Restart your terminal
  3. If you see “hi there”, that means ~/.bashrc is being used! Hooray!
  4. Otherwise remove it and try the same thing with ~/.bash_profile
  5. You can also try ~/.profile if the first two options don’t work.

(there are a lot of elaborate flow charts out there that explain how bash decides which config file to use but IMO it’s not worth it to internalize them and just testing is the fastest way to be sure)

step 3: figure out which directory to add

Let’s say that you’re trying to install and run a program called http-server and it doesn’t work, like this:

$ npm install -g http-server
$ http-server
bash: http-server: command not found

How do you find what directory http-server is in? Honestly in general this is not that easy – often the answer is something like “it depends on how npm is configured”. A few ideas:

  • Often when setting up a new installer (like cargo, npm, homebrew, etc), when you first set it up it’ll print out some directions about how to update your PATH. So if you’re paying attention you can get the directions then.
  • Sometimes installers will automatically update your shell’s config file to update your PATH for you
  • Sometimes just Googling “where does npm install things?” will turn up the answer
  • Some tools have a subcommand that tells you where they’re configured to install things, like:
    • Node/npm: npm config get prefix (then append /bin/)
    • Go: go env GOPATH (then append /bin/)
    • asdf: asdf info | grep ASDF_DIR (then append /bin/ and /shims/)

step 3.1: double check it’s the right directory

Once you’ve found a directory you think might be the right one, make sure it’s actually correct! For example, I found out that on my machine, http-server is in ~/.npm-global/bin. I can make sure that it’s the right directory by trying to run the program http-server in that directory like this:

$ ~/.npm-global/bin/http-server
Starting up http-server, serving ./public

It worked! Now that you know what directory you need to add to your PATH, let’s move to the next step!

step 4: edit your shell config

Now we have the 2 critical pieces of information we need:

  1. Which directory you’re trying to add to your PATH (like ~/.npm-global/bin/)
  2. Where your shell’s config is (like ~/.bashrc, ~/.zshrc, or ~/.config/fish/config.fish)

Now what you need to add depends on your shell:

bash instructions:

Open your shell’s config file, and add a line like this:

export PATH=$PATH:~/.npm-global/bin/

(obviously replace ~/.npm-global/bin with the actual directory you’re trying to add)

zsh instructions:

You can do the same thing as in bash, but zsh also has some slightly fancier syntax you can use if you prefer:


fish instructions:

In fish, the syntax is different:

set PATH $PATH ~/.npm-global/bin

(in fish you can also use fish_add_path, some notes on that further down)

step 5: restart your shell

Now, an extremely important step: updating your shell’s config won’t take effect if you don’t restart it!

Two ways to do this:

  1. open a new terminal (or terminal tab), and maybe close the old one so you don’t get confused
  2. Run bash to start a new shell (or zsh if you’re using zsh, or fish if you’re using fish)

I’ve found that both of these usually work fine.

And you should be done! Try running the program you were trying to run and hopefully it works now.

If not, here are a couple of problems that you might run into:

problem 1: it ran the wrong program

If the wrong version of a program is running, you might need to add the directory to the beginning of your PATH instead of the end.

For example, on my system I have two versions of python3 installed, which I can see by running which -a:

$ which -a python3

The one your shell will use is the first one listed.

If you want to use the Homebrew version, you need to add that directory (/opt/homebrew/bin) to the beginning of your PATH instead, by putting this in your shell’s config file (it’s /opt/homebrew/bin/:$PATH instead of the usual $PATH:/opt/homebrew/bin/)

export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin/:$PATH

or in fish:

set PATH ~/.cargo/bin $PATH

problem 2: the program isn’t being run from your shell

All of these directions only work if you’re running the program from your shell. If you’re running the program from an IDE, from a GUI, in a cron job, or some other way, you’ll need to add the directory to your PATH in a different way, and the exact details might depend on the situation.

in a cron job

Some options:

  • use the full path to the program you’re running, like /home/bork/bin/my-program
  • put the full PATH you want as the first line of your crontab (something like PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:….). You can get the full PATH you’re using in your shell by running echo "PATH=$PATH".

I’m honestly not sure how to handle it in an IDE/GUI because I haven’t run into that in a long time, will add directions here if someone points me in the right direction.

problem 3: duplicate PATH entries making it harder to debug

If you edit your path and start a new shell by running bash (or zsh, or fish), you’ll often end up with duplicate PATH entries, because the shell keeps adding new things to your PATH every time you start your shell.

Personally I don’t think I’ve run into a situation where this kind of duplication breaks anything, but the duplicates can make it harder to debug what’s going on with your PATH if you’re trying to understand its contents.

Some ways you could deal with this:

  1. If you’re debugging your PATH, open a new terminal to do it in so you get a “fresh” state. This should avoid the duplication.
  2. Deduplicate your PATH at the end of your shell’s config (for example in zsh apparently you can do this with typeset -U path)
  3. Check that the directory isn’t already in your PATH when adding it (for example in fish I believe you can do this with fish_add_path --path /some/directory)

How to deduplicate your PATH is shell-specific and there isn’t always a built in way to do it so you’ll need to look up how to accomplish it in your shell.

problem 4: losing your history after updating your PATH

Here’s a situation that’s easy to get into in bash or zsh:

  1. Run a command (it fails)
  2. Update your PATH
  3. Run bash to reload your config
  4. Press the up arrow a couple of times to rerun the failed command (or open a new terminal)
  5. The failed command isn’t in your history! Why not?

This happens because in bash, by default, history is not saved until you exit the shell.

Some options for fixing this:

  • Instead of running bash to reload your config, run source ~/.bashrc (or source ~/.zshrc in zsh). This will reload the config inside your current session.
  • Configure your shell to continuously save your history instead of only saving the history when the shell exits. (How to do this depends on whether you’re using bash or zsh, the history options in zsh are a bit complicated and I’m not exactly sure what the best way is)

a note on source

When you install cargo (Rust’s installer) for the first time, it gives you these instructions for how to set up your PATH, which don’t mention a specific directory at all.

This is usually done by running one of the following (note the leading DOT):

. "$HOME/.cargo/env"        	# For sh/bash/zsh/ash/dash/pdksh
source "$HOME/.cargo/env.fish"  # For fish

The idea is that you add that line to your shell’s config, and their script automatically sets up your PATH (and potentially other things) for you.

This is pretty common (for example Homebrew suggests you eval brew shellenv), and there are two ways to approach this:

  1. Just do what the tool suggests (like adding . "$HOME/.cargo/env" to your shell’s config)
  2. Figure out which directories the script they’re telling you to run would add to your PATH, and then add those manually. Here’s how I’d do that:
    • Run . "$HOME/.cargo/env" in my shell (or the fish version if using fish)
    • Run echo "$PATH" | tr ':' '\n' | grep cargo to figure out which directories it added
    • See that it says /Users/bork/.cargo/bin and shorten that to ~/.cargo/bin
    • Add the directory ~/.cargo/bin to PATH (with the directions in this post)

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with doing what the tool suggests (it might be the “best way”!), but personally I usually use the second approach because I prefer knowing exactly what configuration I’m changing.

a note on fish_add_path

fish has a handy function called fish_add_path that you can run to add a directory to your PATH like this:

fish_add_path /some/directory

This is cool (it’s such a simple command!) but I’ve stopped using it for a couple of reasons:

  1. Sometimes fish_add_path will update the PATH for every session in the future (with a “universal variable”) and sometimes it will update the PATH just for the current session and it’s hard for me to tell which one it will do. In theory the docs explain this but I could not understand them.
  2. If you ever need to remove the directory from your PATH a few weeks or months later because maybe you made a mistake, it’s kind of hard to do (there are instructions in this comments of this github issue though).

that’s all

Hopefully this will help some people. Let me know (on Mastodon or Bluesky) if you there are other major gotchas that have tripped you up when adding a directory to your PATH, or if you have questions about this post!

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7 days ago
America City, America
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Gene Hackman has passed.

Gene Hackman, who never fit the mold of a Hollywood movie star, but who became one all the same, playing seemingly ordinary characters with deceptive subtlety, intensity and often charm in some of the most noted films of the 1970s and ’80s, has died, the authorities in New Mexico said on Thursday. He was 95.

Mr. Hackman and his wife were found dead on Wednesday afternoon at a home in Santa Fe., N.M., where they had been living, according to a statement from the Santa Fe County Sheriff’s Department. Sheriff’s deputies found the bodies of Mr. Hackman; his wife, Betsy Arakawa, 64; and a dog, according to the statement, which said that foul play was not suspected.

Ok. So, there are circumstances.

Hackman is, I think, my favorite actor of the 70s generation, which obviously is an extremely tough crowd to get ahead in. I listen to Smartless religiously, especially the eps that interview actors, and it’s fascinating to listen to how people in the business now have a combination of fear and reverence for that generation. Hackman carried an easy combination of wisdom and menace, which he could leverage from role to role. My favorites list is tough, but in no order:

  1. The Conversation
  2. Royal Tenenbaums
  3. French Connection
  4. Unforgiven
  5. Get Shorty
  6. The Quick and the Dead
  7. The Firm
  8. No Way Out
  9. Superman I & II
  10. Night Moves

I appreciate that’s an awfully idiosyncratic list but he had an idiosyncratic career.

Some clips:

Photo credit: By Christopher Michael Little, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=10689828

The post Hackman appeared first on Lawyers, Guns & Money.

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12 days ago
Inspiring. I hope to take out a ton of dogs when I shuffle off this mortal coil.
America City, America
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The Lost Berkshire Apartments - 500 Madison Avenue

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  from the collection of the Museum of the City of New York

In 1880, Edward Cabot Clark embarked on a risky endeavor--the erection of the first-class apartment house on Central Park West that he would call The Dakota.  His challenge was convincing potential residents that a multi-family building--considered at the time middle-class at best--could be appropriate to wealthy families.  His solution was to provide apartments that were equal to upscale private homes.

The following year, eight millionaires formed the Berkshire Apartment Association to erect another high-end apartment building, The Berkshire.  Among the shareholders were Alexander Guild; Fletcher Harper, of publishing firm Harper Brothers; and Edward M. Shepard, of the furniture company Stickney & Shepard.  Carpentry and Building explained in September 1881, that it would be a co-operative and said, "It is expected that each of these shareholders will occupy one of the apartments in the Berkshire when the building is completed, and this apartment will be his property permanently."  The other apartments, said the article, "are to be rented out."

The syndicate hired German-born architect Carl Pfeiffer to design the building.  The nine-story structure was completed in 1883.  Pfeiffer's tripartite, Queen Anne-style design sat upon a two-story granite base.  The midsection was faced in "Croton pressed brick, with stone, terra cotta, and molded brick ornamentation," according to Carpentry and Building.  It featured picturesque, paneled bays with curved sides.  The top section harkened to 17th century England or Germany with half-timbering, gables and prominent chimneys.  The flat roof was paved with tiles and "hanging gardens of flowers in ornamented boxes" lined the edges.  Carpentry and Building said that from this "lofty promenade," residents could enjoy views of "Long Island, Long Island Sound, and the Palisades of the Hudson."

American Architect & Building News, August 3, 1883 (copyright expired)

The main entrance on Madison Avenue was accessed above a short, doglegged stoop.  Servants and tradespeople used an entrance in the courtyard at the rear.  

Complex Queen Anne-style upper panes included stained glass inserts.  American Architect & Building News, December 22, 1888 (copyright expired)

The Berkshire held 17 apartments, two each per floor through the seventh, and three on the eighth.  Each resident also had a second servant's room and a trunk room on the ninth floor.  Carpentry and Building explained, "Each of these apartments will consist of a library, a dining room, a parlor, a kitchen, a bath-room, a laundry, a servants' room, abundance of closet room, and four bedrooms."

In the lobby was a marble staircase with "railings of colored marble," according to The American Architect and Building News on August 4, 1883, and two elevators--one for the residents and the other for servants.  The gas fixtures in the apartments were designed to be easily converted to electricity in the future.  The article said, "Every convenience known to modern improvement will be introduced in the house, which is intended to rival the Paris palais in elegance and comfort."

The basement level was outfitted for the janitor's apartment and rental offices for physicians.  The owners of the Berkshire assured that there would be no offensive trashcans and odors.  In the cellar was "an apparatus for cremating the refuse of the kitchen," said Carpentry and Building, which added, "No slop-barrels are to disfigure the sidewalk in front of the Berkshire.  The refuse will all be dried by steam and then burned."

A typical floorplan, with two apartments per floor--left and right.  The American Architect and Building News, January 17, 1891 (copyright expired)

Elevators in the 1880s, of course, did not have the safety measures we take for granted today.  Many of them resembled ornate birdcages, their openwork structures presenting dangers to passengers wearing Victorian garments.  On November 18, 1887, Winifred Egan visited a friend at the Berkshire.  She never made it to the apartment.  The Sun reported that she died from injuries resulting, "by having her dress caught in passing one of the floors while in the elevator."  On January 20, 1888, a coroner's jury, "censured the proprietors of the house for employing an incompetent elevator boy."

Carl Pfeiffer's Queen Anne design carried into the interior, as well.  American Architect & Building News, August 4, 1883 (copyright expired)

An early resident of the Berkshire was millionaire William Marsh Rice and his wife, the former Julia Elizabeth Baldwin, who went by her middle name.  Elizabeth was Rice's second wife, the first having died.  (Interestingly, Elizabeth's sister was the wife of William's brother, Frederick Rice.)

William Marsh Rice, from the collection of Rice University

Born in Springfield, Massachusetts in 1816, Rice's Horatio Alger-type story began as a grocery store clerk.  By 1860 he was reportedly the wealthiest man in Houston, Texas, the owner or part-owner of real estate holdings, lumber firms, railroads, and cotton concerns.  He and Elizabeth moved to New York in 1882.  Their 160-acre country estate was in Dunellen, New Jersey.

According to historian J. T. McCants in his 1955 article, "85 Years of Capitalism: The Story of William M. Rice," the Rices' marriage "was stormy" by the 1890s.  According to McCants, around 1892, Elizabeth "consulted an attorney, A. G. Allen, about a divorce."  She would never obtain that divorce.  A common method of removing a bothersome family member at the time was to have them committed.   McCants said Elizabeth, "died in Waukesha, Wisconsin on 24 July 1896 hopelessly insane."

At the time of Elizabeth's death, Rice's estate was estimated at "about four million dollars," according to McCants.  (The figure would translate to about $150 million in 2025.)  His will, executed in 1891, directed that his massive fortune should be used to found the William M. Rice Institute for the Advancement of Literature, Science and Art in Houston, Texas.  

Rice's valet, Charles F. Jones, had been with him since his Texas years.  The cherished servant discovered the multimillionaire dead in his bed on September 23, 1900.  The death certificate declared his demise the result of "old age and extreme nervousness."  But three days later, The New York Times revealed the first hint that officials were suspicious in reporting, "His body was to have been cremated yesterday morning, but instead after funeral services had been held at the house...it was taken to the Morgue and an autopsy was performed."

American Architect & Building News published this depiction of a Berkshire parlor in August 4, 1833 (copyright expired)

The autopsy revealed that Rice "died of arsenical and mercurial poisoning," reported The Evening World on October 27.  The case had proceeded rapidly and the article disclosed that Charles F. Jones, the trusted valet, and Albert T. Patrick, Elizabeth Rice's former lawyer, had been arrested for murder.

The trial, which became one of the most sensational for decades, revealed that Patrick had forged a new will that left a large portion to himself, and had persuaded Jones to assist in the murder.  On June 9, 1905, The Evening World ran a banner, all-caps headline, "PATRICK TO DIE IN THE CHAIR."  (Instead, however, in 1906 his sentence was commuted by Governor Frank Higgins and in 1912 he received a full pardon from Governor John A. Dix.  Charles F. Jones was not charged.)

William Marsh Rice's fortune, as he intended, was used to found the William Marsh Rice Institute, known today as Rice University.

A ground-floor apartment was advertised for rent in October 1904.  The advertisement described, "parlor, library, dining room, 3 family bedrooms, 3 servants' bedrooms, kitchen, etc.,"  The rent was $4,500 per year--a significant $13,250 per month in 2025 terms.

Among the well-heeled residents of the Berkshire at the time was stockbroker Franklin William Gilley.  Born in 1840, he was elected to the Stock Exchange in 1864.  Gilley was a member of F. W. Gilley, Jr. & Co. and had been treasurer of the New York Stock Exchange since 1895.

By the second decade of the 20th century, many of the mansions in the Madison Avenue neighborhood had been razed for commercial buildings.  The Berkshire was now an architectural anachronism.  On August 17, 1913, The Sun mentioned that "the apartment house known as the Berkshire, at 500 Madison avenue...is now being altered and modernized."  And, indeed, it was.  The renovations stripped the Berkshire of its charming Queen Anne personality.  Without the oriels, gables and half-timbering, it looked as it had been erected a year earlier.

image via the NYC Dept of Records & Information Services.

For about a decade, however, the building continued to be home to wealthy families.  Their names routinely appeared in the society pages that reported on their travels, debutante entertainments, dinner parties and weddings.  Then in 1925 the Berkshire was converted to an upscale residential hotel.

An advertisement in Town & Country on November 1, 1926 said, "to each and every heckled, non-plussed householder--The Berkshire will prove a revelation."  The ad continued, 

Never, does the cook "take a day off"...Never, does Basil, the butler, decide to locate in Chicago to be near his aunt...Never is it necessary to dismiss Marie for impertinence...Never, in fact, do any of those things that heckle and non-plus householders occur...An Arcadian town-house--The Berkshire.

The suites, "as large or small as you wish," were available either unfurnished or furnished.  The furnished apartments had been decorated by B. Altman & Co.  The ad stressed, "And everything--maid and valet service; electric light and refrigeration; meal service in your own rooms, is included in your rental!"

The Berkshire survived until 1953, when it was replaced by a 19-story and penthouse apartment house.
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14 days ago
America City, America
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The Nonviolence Fetish

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So it’s all fine and good to have this protest action, but I have a question.

Why is it that protest actions these days almost always advertise themselves as nonviolent?

Let’s be clear, I am most certainly not advocating for violence, which would almost certainly be stupid and counterproductive. I am however curious as to the process by which we fetishize nonviolence to the point that we have to define any political action as nonviolent upfront. Even leaving behind the fact that Martin Luther King was a gun owner and that guns were central to self-defense in the civil rights movement, it’s still kind of weird despite the bad history behind it. I am trying to wrap my brain around this.

It’s almost as if protestors today want to advertise that they will do nothing to threaten the system. It’s not as if, unless you live in Portland or Seattle, there are organized groups of anarchists who want to break shit that you have to worry much about in these protests. It just seems to me, again, to be announcement that we aren’t threatening in any way, shape, or form, that we will hold our little action and go home (probably using public transportation) and we can be ignored.

So I’m curious–why do we do this today?

The post The Nonviolence Fetish appeared first on Lawyers, Guns & Money.

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35 days ago
So there will be no excuse when cops are ordered to shoot at them you fucking idiot
America City, America
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Why a Tacoma and Certain Houses Survived the L.A. Fires


Tragically, Los Angeles resident Brandon Sanders found his home had burned to the ground in the Eaton fire.

There was one good piece of news: His Tacoma had been parked far enough away from the burning structure that only the front of the vehicle was scorched. To his surprise, when he tried to start it "it fired right up," he writes. "Everything works, even the headlights and blinkers!"

Social media being social media, there are now posts going around claiming that Tacomas are fireproof. It should be obvious to the sane, but Sanders' experience with the truck was very good luck. In this other photo, here we see a house that was unscathed by the fire:

Note the unlucky SUV on the neighboring property that burned. Beneath it, you can see that aluminum has melted beneath the vehicle and flowed down the driveway. Aluminum melts at 1,221° Fahrenheit (660° Celsius). The Tacoma was not exposed to that temperature, or it would look like this SUV.

The unburned house, by the way, was designed by architect Greg Chasen. "Some of the design choices we made here helped," he writes. "But we were also very lucky."

If you're interested in what design decisions can harden a house against fire, in this comprehensive video—which has gone viral—homebuilder Matt Risinger analyzes two unburnt L.A. homes. One is the Chasen-designed house, and the other belongs to Tom Hanks:

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42 days ago
Tom Hank’s’ house looks like a factory
America City, America
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48 days ago
The melted aluminum!!!
48 days ago
Wow, that's hot!
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